At Fanar Neon, we believe that well-built signage can effectively generate great amount of impression for anticipated businesses. Terms like sustainability, carbon, footprint, and Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) has become part of our daily language and process. Although signs do not hold specific place within the widely-recognized LEED rating systems, incorporating modular signs in a facility is key factor of sustainable signage.

We have installed LED lighting fixtures, utilizing A/C units with Higher Energy Ratings (Low consumption of energy), and other reducing factors, to make our factory more environmentally friendly. Signs are part of new culture that is here to stay, and influence! Signs are supporting companies in many ways such as: Creating a permanent stable message for generations to come, easier finding of brands, professionalism, and global recognition. We can’t change the world, but we can do our small part. By helping signage to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Proving to our caring clients that improvements and alternatives of green options are being utilized and are available. Sustainability efforts may include waste elimination, greenhouse gas reduction, usage of LED fixtures, finding the most efficient and profitable use of existing resources and creating energy-efficient infrastructures. At Fanar Neon, we try our very best to be efficient, and green thinking.

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